The Symbiotic Effect Project

Asking the hard questions and seeking answers
through collaboration for the betterment of society.

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Why your perspective  matters!

“We are the sum total of our experiences. Those experiences – be they positive or negative – make us the person we are, at any given point in our lives. And, like a flowing river, those same experiences, and those yet to come, continue to influence and reshape the person we are, and the person we become. None of us are the same as we were yesterday, nor will be tomorrow.” ― B.J. Neblett 

Human Survival Needs

Since Mesopotamia, we’ve grappled with achieving self-sufficiency in meeting essential human needs: food, water, air, and shelter. However, in our modern era, we encounter the paradox of plenty: abundant technology to feed, cloth, clean,  and protect the world, yet we see failures everyday and providing basic human needs.

Seeking your experience and perspective in your areas of passion,
Together we can resolve these issues

- Other Major Issues  -

Ask the hard questions!
on Google Groups

We are better then we even know
Join the conversation or create your own!

- Fuel your Passion -
Answer the hard questions!
see our mind mappings on our Miro Board